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Pakuranga College offers over 40 different subject options, making it easy for students to find courses that fit their strengths, passions, and career aspirations. 

Our Year 12 and 13 courses give students the opportunity to gain NCEA qualifications at Level 2 and 3, with most Level 3 courses also providing a pathway to tertiary education. Students at the college consistently outperform the national average for NCEA, with the majority of students continuing on to university study. 

Year 11 students study a curriculum tailored to provide a strong foundation for the rigours of NCEA in Year 12. Rather than sitting Level 1 exams in November, students spend an extra four weeks in the classroom, extending and deepening their learning. All subjects offer at least one Level 1 Achievement Standard, alongside other NCEA-style evaluations, to ensure students are ready for external assessments in Year 12.

We appreciate that not every student wishes to continue to university. Whatever your child’s career plans, we have plenty of hands-on courses offering NCEA qualifications in Year 12 and 13, which can lead directly to employment or trades training.

All students are supported by our experienced Careers Department, to ensure they know the options available to them and the level of achievement required.

Pakuranga College student cooking in class


Outdoor education students rafting down a waterfall

EOTC, or education outside the classroom, is an experience that all our students have access to. Whether it’s Physics students experiencing the laws of motion in action at Rainbow’s End, Geography students gathering data at the Tongariro Volcanic Field, Visual Arts students taking a trip to a gallery, or Outdoor Education students tramping and camping in native bush; all students during their time at Pakuranga College will get a chance to apply classroom learning to real-world contexts.

In addition to class trips, all Year 9 students kick-start their time at the college with a Peer Support Camp where they get to know their Whānau Leaders and peers. The camps are a fun but vital start to college life, with plenty of team-building activities and mental and physical challenges such as rock climbing, high ropes courses, rafting, mountain biking, and more.


Student and teacher learning on a laptop at Pakuranga College

All students are required to bring a laptop or Chromebook to support their learning at the college. This opens a multitude of possibilities where learning can take place beyond a physical classroom, with resources, instructions, and tasks available through Google Classroom 24/7.

Our students are taught how to use their device effectively and appropriately, choosing the best tool for each task. They are also taught how to use the internet and social media safely and responsibly.

The college provides wireless access to all students, on a network that is extremely fast, stable, and secure. Students authenticate their device at the start of each day to access their learning.

Discover more about our BYOD programme.


High school student and teacher in class

In Year 9 and 10 the curriculum is designed to provide a solid foundation in core subject areas such as Maths, English, Science, Social Studies, and Physical Education; while also allowing students to explore Languages, The Arts, and Technology. Students have plenty of opportunity to sample areas of the curriculum that interest them, with a broader timetable allowing seven to eight subjects.

In Year 11 – 13 students’ timetables narrow as they begin to select specialist areas of study. Year 11 and 12 students take six subjects, while Year 13 students have five subjects and a study period.

Diverse Learners

High school curriculum - student in class

Learning is unique to everyone and we embrace this diversity with a range of programmes to support students at the level that best fits them, in partnership with parents.

Find out more about our diverse learners’ programmes.

Student Testimonials

LachlanYear 13

I knew that I wanted to get into a trade early on and the college has really supported me to achieve that. Next year I’m going to be taking part in a Gateway programme organised by the Careers Department that lets me gain work experience while earning NCEA credits.

I want to get into aeronautical engineering and my teachers are very helpful in supporting learning related to that. I’m able to focus on my own projects once my schoolwork is complete and they always have good advice and insights.

NadiaYear 13

My teachers constantly give me chances to challenge myself. When I’m comfortable with a concept they test my understanding with more difficult problems to solve or give me access to additional resources. They are happy to go beyond the norm to support and keep me engaged in my learning.

MelanieYear 13

I’ve really enjoyed developing my creative skills here at the college. I’ve mastered lots of practical applications like Illustrator and Photoshop in Design class, to help bring the ideas in my mind to life. My teachers always encourage me to think outside the box and I feel so supported. It’s reassuring to know the skills I’m learning now will be useful in my career.

AdvaitYear 13

I’m a practical learner and my teachers have been very supportive, encouraging me to take part in hands-on co-curricular activities to deepen my understanding. My teachers check in with me regularly to offer help or give extension work.

CathyYear 13

The learning environment in class is really positive and I’m never afraid to ask a question. My teachers encourage me to explore beyond the curriculum and apply my learning to wider contexts, and when I need extra help they’re always supportive. I like that we are shown how to manage our learning outside of school as well, it’s great preparation for external assessments.

DepaliYear 13

My teachers are willing to help me outside of class time, during lunch and other breaks to support my learning. In my experience, the Maths Department has been particularly helpful with this. I can think of so many teachers who take extra time to explain concepts and ensure the entire class is engaged and understands.

I think that the learning environment at the college is highly flexible, with teachers trusting us to allocate our time effectively and determine the pace at which we progress. It means I have the option to explore topics that are of special interest to me in greater depth.

MelanieYear 13

It’s very exciting to be able to share my creative output with other students and my family. In Fabric Technology the annual Fashion Show is a chance to showcase garments that we’ve spent months perfecting from design sketches, fabric selection, pattern making, and construction. To see them come to life on the runway is amazing. It’s a great way to celebrate our work with the whole college.

Weekly Office Hours
Monday – Friday 8am – 4pm

Phone: (09) 5347159
Fax: (09) 5342365

Physical Address
Pigeon Mountain Road
Half Moon Bay
Auckland 2012

Postal Address
PO Box 82090
Highland Park
Auckland 2143

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