What is the zone for Pakuranga College?
Check to see if you are in our East Auckland zone.
We intend to move into the zone later this year. Can I enrol now?
The enrolment legislation requires that you have a permanent address in-zone before you enrol. Once you are living in your new address contact the school office to enrol. You are guaranteed a place at the college if you live in-zone.
Will the College be accepting out-of-zone applications for levels other than Year 9 next year?
The College has a very large roll and we are not able to offer out-of-zone places at levels other than Year 9.
How many out-of-zone places will be available?
The number of out-of-zone places varies, depending on the size of our in-zone intake. Out-of-zone places are determined by ballot, according to the priorities set out in our enrolment procedures. View our key dates to help with your planning for out-of-zone applications.
Where can I find information about starting at Pakuranga College?
Visit the Starting Essentials section of our website for everything you need to know about uniforms, stationery and BYOD, term dates and timetables.