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Our Year 13 Biology class had the incredible opportunity to visit the Auckland Zoo, which was an experience packed with learning and discovery. One of my key takeaways from the trip was witnessing the zoo’s impressive variety of species. We had the opportunity to see an array of fascinating animals, including orangutans, otters, takahes, waterbucks, baboons, and many others.

Walking through the zoo, observing animals, and participating in discussions with the guides made my learning experience more memorable. The enthusiasm of the guides and the chance to ask questions personally enriched my understanding.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the visit was the special session dedicated to understanding human evolution. Through interactive activities, our class was able to visually explore how different primates’ skulls evolved over time. Additionally, we learnt how different tools evolved, in correlation with the primate’s evolution in brain capacity over the years. I personally thought that observing the similarities and differences between us and our primate relatives gave us a deeper appreciation for our own species.

Overall, our visit to Auckland Zoo was both enjoyable and educational. It enhanced our understanding of human evolution and deepened our appreciation for wildlife.      

Hanna Decal – Year 13