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Why Host?

Hosting an international student is a great way to bring the world to your home, create lifelong relationships with people around the world, earn an extra income ($370 p/w), and perhaps start a worldwide network for your children’s future OE!

Being a homestay family can be a very rewarding experience and our Homestay Coordinators work hard to carefully match students and families for a great fit. They are also on call 24/7 to provide support and answer your questions.

If you are interested in becoming a host family for foreign students and providing a home away from home in Auckland, we’d love to hear from you! Please submit an inquiry form and one of our friendly Homestay Coordinators will be in touch.

Kiwi host family for international students

What Does a Host Family Need to Provide?

International student studying in homestay room

It is important that international students feel welcomed as a new member of your family, and that their safety and wellbeing is looked after. 

Students also need to:

  • have their own room with a bed, desk and space to store their belongings.
  • have adequate heating during the winter.
  • have access to fibre internet to connect with home and carry out study.
  • be provided with meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks).

Host families will be paid $370 a week to cover these requirements.

Expectations of Students

International students enjoying a meal at a homestay

Students are expected to behave just like any other member of your family. They should:

  • be polite and respectful.
  • keep their room clean and tidy.
  • help out with household chores.
  • attend school daily.
  • let you know about any social plans and always be contactable.

How are Students Placed?

International student at Pakuranga College enjoying dessert with host family children

When you sign on as a host family, we will work with you to determine the type of student you feel most comfortable hosting. International students also tell us a little about themselves and their ideal host family as part of their application to study. We then match this information against your family profile to create a great fit for you and the student.

International students generally study in New Zealand for two reasons:

  1. to experience a different culture and improve their English. 
  2. to gain a New Zealand education and qualification.

Students who come for the experience, tend to come in Year 12 or 13 and stay on a short-term basis of 3-6 months. Students seeking a New Zealand education generally arrive to start Year 11 and stay long-term until the completion of their high school qualifications. 

Our preferred maximum allocation is two students per host family. To preserve the student experience, we avoid placing students of the same ethnicity in the same home, and we also work to avoid placing male and female students together.

What if an allocation doesn’t work?

Our Homestay Coordinators are in close contact with you and our students during their stay. If you are concerned for any reason, please let us know as early as possible. We find that if issues are addressed while they are small, relationships can get back on track. If the problem can’t be resolved, we will work to relocate the student to another homestay.

How are Host Families Selected and Supported?

Homestay student speaking with family on tablet

Host families are selected based on their ability to provide a nurturing environment. The application process includes an interview, home visit, and background check to ensure the best match for the student and host family.

Host families will receive ongoing support from the school, including regular check-ins and support from our International Department staff to address any questions or concerns. Our Homestay Coordinators can be contacted 24/7 to provide assistance after hours if required.

Contact Us to Become a Host Family

Homestay accommodation - international student with homestay family

We understand that becoming a host family can be a big decision therefore our team is on hand to answer your questions. Please feel free to contact one of Homestay Coordinators for more information.

Tricia Crowe

Mandy Wang

Weekly Office Hours
Monday – Friday 8am – 4pm

Physical Address
Pigeon Mountain Road
Half Moon Bay
Auckland 2012

Postal Address
PO Box 82090
Highland Park
Auckland 2143

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