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Make Yourself at Home

Welcome to your home away from home! From the moment you arrive, we will work to make your New Zealand experience an unforgettable one, helping you settle into your new homestay, school, and classes. Read below to see what you can expect in your first week in Auckland as an international student. 

Your First Day

Your new host family will be at the airport to collect you when you arrive. You’ve already received an information pack about them and will have been communicating before your departure, so you know a bit about them. 

You’ll go straight to your new house, where your homestay family will help you settle by showing you the facilities and allowing you time to unpack and organise your new bedroom. 

You’ll be able to get to know your hosts even better at a homestay family dinner and have time to contact your family to let them know you’ve arrived safely. You’ll spend the next couple of days acclimatising to your new time zone and exploring the local area with your homestay family.

Homestay student speaking with family on tablet

Starting School

Homestay students being welcomed to Pakuranga College with a pōwhiri

Prior to starting your classes you will meet with the International Department, before being welcomed onto the Pakuranga College campus with a traditional Māori pōwhiri. The International Department staff members will then give you an orientation to the college. They will:

  • Show you where your classes are and how to read your timetable.
  • Tell you which Whānau and Whānau Group you belong to.
  • Let you know how to sign up for co-curricular activities.
  • Give advice on some commonsense dos and don’ts while here.
  • Introduce you to other international and local students.

Before arriving at the college you will have selected your subject options. On the first day, you will meet with the Careers Department, who will finalise your timetable or make changes if required. You will start the classes on your timetable the next day.


Homestay students in uniform walking to school

Students at the college for a term or less, are not required to buy a Pakuranga College uniform, but must wear the full uniform of their school in their home country while here.

Students attending our school for more than a term must purchase a Pakuranga College uniform. Students may arrive on their first day of school in their own casual clothes. They will be taken to the uniform shop on campus after the school day ends, to purchase the uniform items they need. Items can be purchased new or second-hand.

Year 13 students are not required to wear a uniform and can dress in their own clothes. Please view our Year 13 dress code for more information.

End of the First Week

Homestay students drinking coffee at the Pakuranga College café

By now you should have learned more about your host family, made some new friends, and found your way to each of your classes. Maybe you’ve even signed up for a sport or cultural group. It’s still a bit new, but you’re starting to adjust to your routine here in Auckland.

If you are experiencing problems settling in at school or with your host family, please talk to our staff in the International Department. They are here to support you to have the best experience possible and will work with you to find a solution, whatever your problem.

International Student Testimonials


My homestay family has been so welcoming, I’ve absolutely felt at home and I know I’ll stay in touch when I return to France. The highlight of my time here was going to a Blues game at Eden Park with my host family, after they discovered that my family back home is rugby-mad. I’ve also had lots of fun supporting the Pakuranga College rugby teams every weekend.

I’ve really enjoyed my time here – I’ve met some great people, made wonderful memories, and my English has improved a lot.


I felt really welcomed by all, particularly the staff, they helped me settle in and get used to my new life here. The International Department has been very caring, supporting me to do the best things.


My advice to other international students is to give things a go – join groups, meet people, and experience the fun of New Zealand! I joined up to two very Kiwi activities – rugby and kapa haka – and everyone was really welcoming. I think Kiwis are just waiting for a chance to show off their culture, so don’t be shy, join and learn some new things.


I had an amazing time here in New Zealand, thanks to my new friends and my homestay family. My host parents have been very kind and relaxed, they have supported me throughout my experience. We started communicating even before my arrival and since the first hour here they have helped me and cared about me.

They have introduced me to different traditions and cooked me delicious meals. The best dish is my host mum’s Sunday roast dinner and one day every week I cook them Italian dishes.


One thing I’ve really noticed studying at Pakuranga College is that the school is massive! There a so many facilities – a pool, two gyms, buildings for all the different subject areas. At home, my school is in one big building, so finding my way around a large campus has been a bit different. But people are happy to answer your questions if you’re a bit lost.

I definitely recommend making an effort to talk to other students, I often get asked lots of questions about where I’m from and how long I’m staying. People are very friendly here.


There are two pieces of advice I would share with future international students. The first is, don’t be shy about your English! Nobody will laugh at you, everyone is very nice and will help you to find the word you need, especially teachers. The more you speak, the more practice you get – my English has improved a lot since I’ve been in New Zealand.

The second is to join lots of clubs. There are so many you can join and they make the whole experience so much more fun, plus you’ll meet lots of new friends. I’ve been at Pakuranga College for five years and even though that’s a long time, it’s gone so fast thanks to all the groups I’ve joined and friends I’ve made.


This is my first time living away from home and I’m really enjoying my homestay. I’m staying in a house with two other Pakuranga College international students – a girl from Italy and a girl from Brazil – and we hang out every day. It’s great, like having siblings! It keeps me busy and I don’t have time to miss home too much. We go to the shopping mall at Botany, or the gym, and watch movies together. It’s nice to have others in a similar situation to talk with.

Weekly Office Hours
Monday – Friday 8am – 4pm

Physical Address
Pigeon Mountain Road
Half Moon Bay
Auckland 2012

Postal Address
PO Box 82090
Highland Park
Auckland 2143

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