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There once stood a little island called Lumity. Lumity was a place of happiness and friendship.

Winnie was one of the many villagers that lived on Lumity. Winnie was a green horse with a big yellow star on her forehead; she was super tall and hyper. She was a bit forgetful sometimes, but that didn’t stop her from being a good friend. No one could forget our purple bear, Meagan. When you first met her she was a little shy but always kind and optimistic. Next is your favourite rainbow ram… Pietro! Having to be funny all the time meant sometimes Pietro was a little pushy but still fun to be around.

The last villager in our story was Xyonette, the bravest of the brave. Xyonette loved adventures and shopping. She was one of the only three humans on Lumity, but no one ever minded. From exploring deserted islands to shopping at the able sisters, Xyonette never left the house without her trusty butterfly backpack. Everyone was joyful, everyone was happy. Lumity was paradise or so we thought.

One day, Winnie, Meagan and Pietro were walking to go get a cup of coffee from Brewster at the Roost Coffee Shop in the museum, when all of a sudden Meagan let out a blood-curdling scream.,


“What is it? What is it!” asked Pietro in a concerned tone.

“IT’S A TARANTULAAA!!!!!!!” Meagan replied.

“Where is Xyonette when you need her?” groaned Winnie. Just as Winnie said those words Xyonette appeared with one question:

“I heard a scream, what happened? Is something wrong?”

“Oh! There’s a tarantula by the museum” replied Winnie, trying to stay calm. In the blink of an eye, Xyonette said “It’s alright I’ve got this.”

Carefully and quickly Xyonette snuck up behind the tarantula and caught it with her net, donating the tarantula to Blathers to put in the nature department of the museum. Everyone was safe and calm and Lumity was at peace again. So in short, is Lumity paradise? Yes, most of the time. But… nobody’s perfect!

Ariana Powell – Year 9