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What to Expect on the First Day of School

First days at school are always a little daunting, so we’ve outlined what students can expect to find in their first week at Pakuranga College.

The first day starts with a college Whānau meeting. Students will have been informed which Whānau they are in via email and all new students with older siblings at the college will be placed in the same Whānau as their older brother or sister.

Students will meet their Whānau Leaders and Assistant Whānau Leaders briefly, before making their way to our pōwhiri. We invite all parents to attend the pōwhiri welcoming new students into the college.

After the pōwhiri Year 9 students will be shown to their Whānau Groups and meet properly with their Whānau Group Teacher. From here, our Peer Support Leaders will show new students around the college, break the ice with some fun activities, give advice about co-curricular groups, show how to access information, and distribute an orientation booklet with key points to refer to.

On day two timetabled classes are introduced and students will meet their specialist subject teachers.

Students are welcomed on their first day of school with a pōwhiri

Parent Handbook

Find all the essential school information parents need to know, like reporting absences and accessing our handy app, in our parent handbook.


Students in uniform heading back to school

Our uniform shop is located on Pigeon Mountain Road, adjacent to Gate 1. All uniform items (except shoes) can be purchased here, either new or second-hand. New items only can be purchased online

Uniform Shop Hours

  • 2.45pm – 5.30pm: Monday – Thursday
  • 9.00am – 12.00pm: Friday

Please refer to our Illustrated Uniform Guide, Uniform Code, and Footwear Code to see what uniform items are required at each year level. Please note that Year 13 students wear mufti unless representing the college as student leaders.

If you require further information please email the uniform shop directly at

Stationery and BYOD


Please click to view the stationery required for the subjects in each year level:

Stationery requirements can be purchased via the OfficeMax website. 


All students require a digital device, such as a personal laptop, Netbook or Chromebook. We don’t believe that mandating a particular device is necessary, and because individual student needs differ we allow some flexibility in the choice of device. We have, however, put together some minimum specifications and suggested a range of suitable entry-level devices. 

Term Dates, Calendar and Timetable

Term Dates 2025

  • Term 1: Thursday 30 January – Friday 11 April
  • Term 2: Monday 28 April – Friday 27 June
  • Term 3: Monday 14 July – Friday 19 September
  • Term 4: Monday 6 October – Friday 5 December


Find out what’s happening at the college with our calendar.


The college timetable changes depending on the day of the week or the weather. On Friday students have a later start at 9.45am, except in Term 1 for Year 9 students and Peer Support Leaders, who meet at 8.45am for Peer Support activities. 

In the event of wet weather Monday – Thursday, a reduced lunchtime may be implemented, resulting in an early finish for the day, at 3.00pm rather than 3.15pm. This can be checked by calling the college on (09) 534 7159 and selecting the appropriate option from the menu list. Information regarding wet lunchtimes is updated after 1.30pm.

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Time Friday
8:40am Period 1, 60 min Period 1, 60 min Period 1, 60 min Period 1, 60 min 8:45am Peer Support (Year 9, Term 1)
9:40am Period 2, 60 min Period 2, 60 min Period 2, 60 min Period 2, 60 min 9:45am Period 2, 60 min
10:40am Whānau Group, 25 min Whānau Group, 25 min Whānau Group, 25 min Whānau Group, 25 min
11:05am Interval, 25 min Interval, 25 min Interval, 25 min Interval, 25 min 10:45am Interval, 30 min
11:30am Period 3, 60 min Period 3, 60 min Period 3, 60 min Period 3, 60 min 11:15am Period 3, 60 min
12:30pm Period 4, 60 min Period 4, 60 min Period 4, 60 min Period 4, 60 min 12:15pm Period 4, 60 min
1:30pm Lunch, 45 min Lunch, 45 min Lunch, 45 min Lunch, 45 min 1:15pm Lunch, 45 min
2:15pm Period 5, 60 min Period 5, 60 min Period 5, 60 min Period 5, 60 min 2:00pm Period 5, 60 min
3:15pm End of Day End of Day End of Day End of Day 3:00pm End of Day

Transport and College Map

Pick Up and Drop Off by Car

We recommend parents pick up and drop off students at the Llyod Elsmore carpark adjacent to the netball courts. Students will be able to cross safely to the college using the traffic lights.

Please note that during school hours, the car parks at the front of the school and adjacent to the uniform shop are reserved for school staff only. Visitor spaces are for people who are coming to the school during the school day for business reasons and should not be used by a parent unless collecting a sick student. Parents are also asked not to park in the Palmers or Placemakers carparks.

Students Travelling by Bicycle

All students arriving at and leaving school by bicycle are required to wear suitable head protection. Students are also strongly advised to lock bicycles up in the bicycle park provided below the footbridge to the Gate 1 carpark.

Public Transport

A range of Auckland Transport buses service our local area. For timetable and route information please visit the Auckland Transport website.

College Map

To assist in arranging drop off and pick up with your child, please refer to our college map.

Staff Directory

Senior Leadership Team
Billy Merchant Principal Email
Candice Dennis Principal’s EA Email
Sharon Hewetson Associate Principal Email
Kreasen Kandasamy Deputy Principal Email
Larraine Barton Deputy Principal Email
Clare Tyrrell Deputy Principal Email
Ceri Cheshire Deputy Principal Email
Carol Stephenson Executive Officer Email
Whānau Leaders
Stef Gibby Tōtara Whānau Leader Email
Jackie Chan Tōtara Whānau Assistant Leader  Email
Zelda Hedder Pōhutukawa Whānau Leader Email
Stephen Newnham  Pōhutukawa Whānau Assistant Leader  Email
Michelle Perkins Kauri Whānau Leader Email
Nelson Potter Kauri Whānau Assistant Leader Email
Colleen MacKay Nīkau Whānau Leader Email
George Emosi Nīkau Whānau Assistant Leader Email
Kurtis Tomkins Acting Rimu Whānau Leader Email
Pretesh Patel Acting Rimu Whānau Assistant Leader Email
Tom Lyall Mataī Whānau Leader Email
Farisha Sahid Mataī Whānau Assistant Leader Email
Heads of Faculty
Lisa Merchant Science Email
Gary Brinsden Technology Email
Prabh Johal Mathematics Email
Lisa Cumberland Languages Email
Ruth Fullerton Student Services Email
Hazel Pearson-Nutt Health & PE Email
Sarah Bryson Social Sciences  Email
Kylie Bryce The Arts Email
Vanessa Scott English Email
Archana Singh Pegasus Learning Centre Email
Student Support Services
Clive Daniels  Director of Sport Email
Sarah O’Neill Careers & Transition Email
Jennie Valgre Guidance & Hauora Email
Rita Enari Pasifika Liaison Email
Mauri Hohepa Māori Liaison Email
Dave Dunlop Director of International Students Email
Rachel Turner Health Officer Email
Elaine Lee ESOL Email
Leah Williams Student Services Administrator (Attendance and Payments) Email
Alison Fistonich Library Manager Email

Weekly Office Hours
Monday – Friday 8am – 4pm

Phone: (09) 5347159
Fax: (09) 5342365

Physical Address
Pigeon Mountain Road
Half Moon Bay
Auckland 2012

Postal Address
PO Box 82090
Highland Park
Auckland 2143

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