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The Pakuranga College hip hop crew is putting their best feet forward, as students get ready to compete in the Blueprint dance competition during the July school holidays.

This is the college’s second year competing and 13 students have taken on the challenge, meeting weekly during Wednesday lunchtime to rehearse.

Dancers are learning moves from four choreographers – Jamie Mead and Bianca Poru of Nīkau, and Raūl Gounder and Emily Muir of Mataī – who are each responsible for one of four different styles showcased in the three-minute competition routine – locking, dance hall, new school, and krump. The styles have been chosen specifically by the choreography team to illustrate the evolution of hip hop over time.

Choreographers meet on Monday lunchtimes to work on each element of the routine before teaching moves to the other dancers in the crew.

Bianca says the highlight of her experience with the crew is being able to lead a team. “I’ve really enjoyed having the freedom to choreograph, rather than simply dance, and teaching those moves to other dancers. But it is proving to be a challenge to create a variety of formations with 13 dancers, as I haven’t worked with such a big group before.”

“All the dancers involved have done hip hop previously, so we’re really looking forward to getting on stage and showing our moves.”

Good luck for Blueprint team!